So I finally decide to step into the modern era and put some of my thoughts down. I stopped journalling a while ago and I hope that this will rekindle my writing.

I hope that this will be a place that I can put things down that will be noteworthy and interesting.

Here we go!

Posted Sun 18 Jun 2006 12:17:42 AM PDT Tags:

Father';s Day was great! Had a nice dinner with the family and really enjoyed having my Dad around for the day. I wonder how many Father's Day I have missed him due to fishing. Its hard to say. I don't have a mempry for stuff like that! Nothing beats being able to celebrate things on the day that they happen.

Back in Victoria, made the trip in a couple stages, half with Heather and half with Joanna, it was a great to just spend a little time in the car with each of them. Its nice not to have to divert the conversation all the time, but to just have a persons attention entirely!

Posted Sun 18 Jun 2006 10:17:24 PM PDT Tags:

Well, after a days work it is nice to see your team win, but... unfortunately it was not to be this time! RatZ! The Oilers were flat and the Hurricanes were not, so tragically "Le Cup Stanley" will remain on American soil.

In other news, I got the church calendar working a little better. It now fits into the iframe that I am using for it.

And I got my directory page working a lot better! Its really amazing what you can do with a few other peoples code and a few minutes spent on modifying it for what you want. I think the next step is just to keep on filling in the phone numbers and maybe adding mobile numbers.

What else is on the chopping block... The shared expenses website is still just in the idea stage, it would be so handy, we gotta get that thing working. And ... Making the phpicalendar thing into a module for cmsmadesimple is still something that I would like to do. Anything else... the Bike Car! Yea, bike car! Looks like a fun project. Matt seems pretty keen on the bike car. I think if the truth be told he really enjoys working with his hands.

Oh yeah and I also thought it might be cool to do a rip off of Staying Alive by the Bee Gees with a peace loving overtone! I'll have to sit down with the words and tune some time and see what I come up with!

Posted Tue 20 Jun 2006 07:37:20 AM PDT Tags:

Well, I don't know if it is a good sign that the title of this entry is a movie name, but it certainly was a highlight of the day! This movie was funny, Joanna and I used those cereal box coupons, and had a great time.

One thing I have to say is that while Scientology and other religions are out there protecting their image, the church is the brunt of a lot of jokes. And it just stands there and takes it. I guess I see it as a sign of strength and confidence when you don't have to lash out at someone who makes fun of your weaknesses. I love the church, and I am heavily involved and laughing at its foibles is funny. (Where real problems exist they need to be dealt with, but come on, not every problem is a real doozy, some are just funny)

Nacho Libre, go if you can, wrestling isn't wrong.

Posted Tue 20 Jun 2006 10:34:02 PM PDT Tags:

Lake Swim #3 today, June 21, 2006. Its really not the warm for the end of June, I don't know what to make of that exactly except that July/August is probably going to be a real scorcher.

Lake Beats Pool, everytime.

Posted Thu 22 Jun 2006 04:18:26 AM PDT Tags:

Once upon a time my Dad was a salmon fisherman, his bought did a whooping 6-8 knots depending on the tide, wind, current ... That is slow. Really slow, it takes long 4 hours to get from Comox to Campbell River going that speed, which is a 45 minute drive along a windy BC highway. I made that trip and many others with him in that boat! They were great trips, going that slow you really see tons of stuff. Dolphins play in the wake, you can watch Jelly fish pass by the window. Interesting junk is floating about in the water and can be looked at and examined.

Since then, when the opportunity presents itself, I generally try and go the slower way, partially I reckon I am just trying to be different, and partially I reckon I am trying to get back to those great experiences on the boat, where the only way was slow, and there was lots in the window

Posted Fri 23 Jun 2006 02:07:48 PM PDT Tags:

Today, I leave for Oslo, 8:45 pm. I have never been there and really have little idea what to expect, but here we go all the same, 24 hours from now I'll be on the other side of the world!! I'm going to train Lorenzo from an Italian shipping company that uses my companies software, so... it should be a fairly relaxed trip, I mean how much can one guy understand in one day!

My Hardwickian friend Stephanie, hooked my up with some hot tips on what to see and do, so I'm primed for a little bit of free time exploring and seeing the sights. I'm only really going to have a couple days totally free for touring so it will probably be all in Oslo.

So today I say goodbye to sweet sweet Canada for a week and start my Norwegian education. Geerrronnnimmmoooooooooo!!

Posted Sat 24 Jun 2006 04:31:28 PM PDT Tags:

Hey everybody, Looks like I am spending th night in London, my first flight took 1.5 hours to unload baggage and despite my best efforts I missed checkin by 15 minutes, ratz!!! Soo now I am in the airport and probably just going to stay here until 4:30 am when I cancheck in for my 6:30 flight, haha, I am still feeling pretty good we'll see after tomorrow, looks like I'll be finishing my book a little earlier then i thought!!

Posted Mon 26 Jun 2006 09:54:10 PM PDT Tags:

Well, its just getting to be too dark to read, it's midnight, welcome to Oslo.

My chicken burger beer and fries cost 213 kronss at 5.6 krones to 1 CAD you can see that was an expensive dinner, whats up $38 dollar Red Robins' dinner. Welcome to Oslo.

They have two airports called Oslo and Oslo(Torp). Oslo (Torp) happens to be 130 km away from Oslo. Welcome to a place that calls itself Oslo but isn't.

Safe and Sound in a new country. Welcome to Oslo.

Posted Mon 26 Jun 2006 10:00:11 PM PDT Tags:

Well, Oslo was looking REAL west coast BCish today, cloudy, rainy, fairly mild, umbrellas everywhere, and me without my Helly Hansen, it seems ironic (isn't Helly Hansen Scandanavian?)

The day went fairly well, a few issues came up, one of which is solved now, maybe one or two more before tomorrow, issues alright when it rains I guess. I went for a two hour walk yesterday anyways, so staying inside today didn't seem like that big of a deal, supposed to get better weather wise before the weekend.

Hmm... what else... I can say that I feel lucky to be a native English speaker rather then a native French speaker or German... most people here know some English, that is a big help. I still feel pretty sheepish about not knowing even enough Norwegian to say please and thank you but... I'm sure by the end of the week I'll get that down.

Boring entry, hmm... here's an interesting story. Lorenzo and I had to fill up the car with Gas, no biggie, except that Lorenzo informs me that in Italy what a Canadian calls Gas, an Italian calls Benzena and what a Canadian calls Diesel, an Italian calles either gasoline or diesel, interchangeable. Needless to say when we stopped into the fuel station and saw choices of Bryfli or diesel, we weren't real sure what we wanted. So out I get to ask the attendent, who isn't real sure what we need either, and asks for the car manual, after going and getting the car manual, she says... "Well it doesn't exactly say.." She says "...but its a gasoline car, right?" Well at this point I have no idea what anybody means when they say gasoline, paralyzed by not quite enough information, I resort to the only thing that I know will solve the problem. I say we need fuel that makes the car go "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" not the fuel that make the car go "Barum, Barum, Barum, Barum"

Right, what a Canadian calls gasoline, A Norwegian calls Bryfli 95, and an Italian calls benzena. Great, now that we have that straight...

Posted Tue 27 Jun 2006 08:22:17 PM PDT Tags:

This day I really noticed, that Norway has made extnesive use of the latter K, it is everywhere, Krone, Konge, Trafikk, Kredittkort, you get the idea K's everywhere. They use K's like Canadians use C's.

In other news, there appears for be a Guns 'n Roses Concert here in Oslo tonight, haven't seen so GNR T-shirts in one place ever, turns out GNR fans are alive and well here in Oslo, which makes me wonder if Oslo is really ahead in the style front or if they are somewhere behind North America, probably an unfair thing to judge on, there will always be hold out GNR fans!!

Training went well today. Hump day done, just another two days to go!

Posted Wed 28 Jun 2006 06:42:29 PM PDT Tags: