Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

I'm not sure if this is JUST a promotion for stridegum as teh ending would make you think. But It is still a really good watch. There is something that kind of resonates seeing so many places and so many people all dancing together.

Posted Sun 07 Sep 2008 05:39:30 PM PDT Tags:

Joanna and I decided it was a good day for heading to the beach on Sunday.  And it was nice and warm, sunny, perfect.  Usually, this means a trip out to Thetis Lake to revel with themasses in a nice cool, clean lake.  But on Sunday we decided to slum it and stayed in Esquimalt.

Staying close to home meant swimming in the Gorge, I've been meaning to do that for what seems like years (well maybe just year).  Needless to say I've been wanting to do, because:

  1. Nobody swimms in the Gorge, but I can't think of a reason why not
  2. The Gorge is somewhat an estuary which means lots of life
  3. There is a rapid where the Gorge narrows and I dream of having my personal free wakeboarding/surfing site as the tide goes in and out.

I mentioned that I wanted to swim in the Gorge to one of my workmates and as a true born and bred Victorian (they're a rare breed) he told me he would never swim in the Gorge as it far too dirty.

But I did it, and... it was fine.  Lots of eel grass, not terribly warm (but not terribly cold).  I swam through the rapids, and snorkelled along the shore.  And while the place isn't exactly teeming with life, there was plenty of filter feeders (oysters, rock scallops, clams, etc) doing there thing, and a few small fishes.

Treasures from the Gorge

On any snorkelling adventure I hope and pray for loot and snorkelling in the Gorge was a treat beyond compare (did I metion nobody swims in the Gorge?!).  It was like visiting Sports Traders.  10+ golf balls, 1 lacrosee ball, 1 Wiffle Ball, one golf tee, a bottle of beer and my pride and joy 1 ten pin bowling ball.  I was really proud of the bowling ball.  I left it at the bottom of a garbage can.  The poor city worker who has to empty that can.  I hope he brought his "a" game to work when he tries to lift that grabage bag.

Posted Tue 09 Sep 2008 06:24:10 AM PDT Tags:

Well, this is going to be one of those very geeky posts that is really just a reminder to me as opposed to for anyone else.

Rsync its just a tool that synchronizes directories.  So why have I been finding this tool so handy lately?  Well it all relates to music.  I have a subscription with emusic which tends to have some pretty great, if somehwat obscure albums.  They serve up high quality mp3's which you can play and listen to anywhere!  Sweet!  Now the problem is that I tend to download these things everywhere.  I find some music that I want and I download onto my laptop, then I download it onto my work computer, then the desktop.  This music is all over the place.  And now when I want it, where can I find it.

So i have a central location on my server where I put all this music.  I've been using ftp to move the files around, but to be honest, it is just a little too time consuming, and consequently, I don't do it.

Enter Rsync

rsync lets you take the contents of one directory and copy it to another. That's it.  The impressive thing is that it can do this through an ssh connection.  So now, where ever I may be, if I hace access to a command line I can quickly send the music on that computer to my computer!

The commands:

send from this computer to the server

rsync -avz -e ssh /home/jeff/Music/ username@jrichards.ca:/home/username/Music

or get music off the server

rsync -avz -e ssh username@jrichards.ca:/home/username/Music/ /home/jeff/Music

that's it.  be careful with the slashes at the end, they're important.

Posted Wed 17 Sep 2008 04:00:37 AM PDT Tags: