I don't know if this is just some weird confluence of events but occasionally, as I bike to work I get the distinct, sensation that I am back in Malaysia/Thailand. Something about the amount that I'm sweating, the smell of exhaust and some kind of funky fuel additive just transports me across the pacific ocean and drops me off on the streets of Bangkok or KL.

Now I just have to find some cheap and delicious roti, to complete the experience.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 2008 07:03:30 PM PST Tags:

Well, My adventures into gardening have began. I didn't think that I would get much chance to garden being as how I'm a 4th floor apartment dweller. But I really couldn't wait so. I bought a 2 dollar seed incubator (which is basically a small green house for sprouting seeds) That was two weeks ago.

The vegi's that I'm trying out are broccoli, kale, tiny tim tomatos and green peppers. And after two weeks everything has come up. We have got lots of sprouts, Now I'm starting to wonder where I'm going to put all these plants when they grow tall. That being said I'm sure I'll find a place.

So here's my pictures to show my progress so far. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this little picture journal going to show an apartment garden in all its splendor grown from the seeds up.

Posted Mon 18 Feb 2008 09:34:53 PM PST Tags:

Yeah I thought this was a pretty good picture.

Posted Tue 19 Feb 2008 08:01:31 PM PST Tags:

The 4th floor of an apartment building is not a great place to be a gardener, but that's where I live, so what am I to do! Try anyways!

Here's the plan, 2 hanging baskets - The herb basket, thyme, parsley and chives (I didn't have good luck with chives last year... but I'll try again!)

  • The strawberry basket. Apparently you can get alpine strawberries which do really well in baskets. I hope for an abundant crop

The short term investments A pot for lettuce or mesculun mix A pot for squash A pot for rhubarb (I never would have thought this would work, but apparently you just have to keep it well watered)

Those plants I've already started Pots for tiny tim tomatos Pots for kale Pots for broccoli Pots for the green peppers

The long term investment A dwarf plum tree in a pot (big pot)

So that's the plan for this years 4th floor garden, now to try it out!

Photo by cjohnson7 from Flickr

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2008 03:57:43 PM PST Tags: