I haven't tried this yet but, Instructables has an awesome looking series on removing rust, using a small automotive charger, rebar, washing soda and wire.

I'm definitely going to give this a try!


Posted Mon 17 Sep 2007 04:55:16 PM PDT Tags:

To substantiate my claim I offer the definition of a Dementor adapted to the mall. Definition lifted from the HP Lexicon and unabashedly butchered for my purposes.

"Malls are among the foulest places on the face of the earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in mock-beauty and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them. Even the shop-a-holic feels the malls ghastly presence, though they can't keep themselves away. Get too near the Mall and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Mall will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself...soul-less and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life."

I must admit that I kind of enjoy plazas, but then I would say a plaza is entirely different from the mall. No crazy floor plans designed to keep you lost inside. No constant 21 degrees Celsius.

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2007 12:38:08 AM PDT Tags:

Just because I was curious I did a quick comparison of the Canadian dollar to some other currencies. Now I know that the USA is our largest trading partner by far. So I understand that the CAD to USD comparison (blue) is the most important but just for interest sake I tried comparing us to some other currencies as well. Namely Australian Dollars (red), Euros (green), and British Pounds (yellow).

And... well... they're all (except the pound) going up compared to the US Dollar, which only means that the US dollar is generally weakening. I did notice that compared to the USD our dollar is going up more, which would leave me to believe that in general our dollar is strengthening on world markets. Of course, I'm using the 5-day graph so... 5 days from now, who knows what this will look like :)

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2007 11:48:56 PM PDT Tags: